Discontinued Models

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For Industrial Cleaning
Machine type Issue date File size PDF
Phenix II,PhenixLegend 2017/04/17 45KB Phenix II,PhenixLegend
SONO CLEANER 50D(CA-24800) 2014/12 32KB
1) 66101 Generator [MIDSONIC SERIES - 430W/200kHz]
2) 67101 Generator [MIDSONIC SERIES - 600W/430kHz]
3) 68101 Generator [HI-MEGASONIC SERIES - 600W/950kHz]
4) 78101 Generator [HI-MEGASONIC SERIES - 1200W/950kHz]
5) 78102 Generator [HI-MEGASONIC SERIES - 1200W/750kHz]
2013/10 16KB

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